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How to enroll an existing affiliate program into CreatorCommerce

This guide walks you through a very high-level thought process on how to enroll an existing affiliate program into CreatorCommerce. More specific guides exist for the specific integration provider you are using.

How do I prepare my affiliate platform for integration?

For specific task management & for project planning, refer to the main guide for setting up CreatorCommerce.

Specific guides exist on how to setup the integration with each individual affiliate platform.

Think through the different personas & affiliate categories you have before onboarding. Do they all need different shopping funnels entirely? As-in, should their funnel radically differ from another? or would you consider them to all need the same funnels, but just different content within it.

CreatorCommerce can segment down to the groupings you have in your platform, so any groups that need their own unique funnels should have their own groups. On the flip side, if all groups will go into 1 funnel in CreatorCommerce (we call this a 'Campaign'), then no action is needed prior as a Campaign can include one or many groups from your affiliate tool(s).

Setting funnels live

The specific point in which funnels go live is when creators in a program are added to their first campaign, via their tier being added to a live campaign. Before this occurs, there's no risk or accidental opportunities for failure. Be mindful of the setting for 'Auto-shop Creation'. This is a key setting that will make a shop automatically when a creator is enrolled in a campaign. If off, a shop won't be created until someone completes the "Invitation Flow" for a creator.

What happens to existing affiliate links with my program?

Good news, they can stay as-is, and will drive to co-branded shopping destinations without losing tracking with your existing providers. Nothing will happen until a creator is added to a live campaign. When you deploy your co-branded shopping experiences, CreatorCommerce will take over the redirect on your existing affiliate links to ensure that they all drive to the correct end result. All you need to do is connect your relevant tiers into their campaigns.

View this guide to learn how your affiliate tracking nets-out with existing affiliate links.

Specific guides exist on how to setup the integration with each individual affiliate platform. In each guide for each platform, you will see directions on how to setup redirects correctly.

Going to market

There's a few ways to approach going to market, and this can vary by tier. Your approach will come down to how discrete you want to be, how much you want to collaborate with affiliates out of the gate, and how much bandwidth you have. Checkout our guides on affiliate activation to plan your path to market.

Generally, help guides exist to dive into the affiliate platform you already use.

Getting Started